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This Is Me Throwing A Hissyfit (parts I And Ii)



So, here it is, 10:40 PM and I just got home from work. Mind you, this would not be so bad, however I must be up at 4:30 tommorrow morning so that I can be at work at 6:30. I am also working Sunday morning, at 6 or 6:30 AM. I had switched days with someone so that I would have Sunday off, but the manager decided that since I was a trainee, that wouldn't do. So now I'm back to working Sunday again. Sure, give me some relief from this hellish weekend, then yank it away again! The shift before mine did not stock the cooler, apparently, and it took me twice as long to do it as it should have. Yea...try spending an hour in a refridgerator. What fun THAT is. To top it off, there is a pipe leaking in the office, water all over the floor. The managers know about it, but haven't done anything. Tommorrow there is likely to be a flood. It is REALLY leaking. It will be interesting to see what happens, when we have a small flood in the office. Tommorrow is also a holiday in our little town, (WOO f*ckin HOO! Let's celebrate!) so the place will be so busy, I may not even have time to pee. I may have to walk to work, because they will close off main street and I will not be able to drive home in the afternoon. My mom may drive me, but I'm still going to have to drag my tired ass home on foot. Then be up at 4:30 AM to do it all over again.


I had just gotten used to the morning/day shift, and they have switched me to midshift. Which is going to totally throw me off. And this job is killing my skin, my hands are rediculously dry and somehow I keep getting little cuts. Hopefully I won't burn myself on a pizza tray again.


To top it off, whatever manner of six or eight legged creature who left the inch diameter welt on the back of my leg, can go directly to Hades. And if it should have trouble along the way, I will be MORE THAN HAPPY to assist in it's passage.




Part II


Here's the update (thank Gods I woke up in a good mood today and somehow wasn't tired, because otherwise I would have killed someone)


1) someone thought they had gas on pump 4, so it was rung up as $20 on pump 4. It was actually on pump 3. The guy who *actually* had pump 4 thought it must be a mistake, and paid for the $9.75 that was *also* on pump 4. The $20 on pump 3 was accounted for because it actually belonged to the woman, but the $9.75 was not. Apparently, it was paid for however, because there was no short in my drawer at the end of the day.


2) someone dumped probably 25 or 30 $$ worth of gas in the parking lot. (Hard to estimate the amount when it is all over the parking lot/road, but we did not have enough spilldry in the store to clean it up and had to get more from the fire department).


3) a case of glass was dropped in the parking lot


4) a glass bottle was dropped in front of the register


5) someone apparently paid for $20.00 of gas on pump 2, when they actually had $18.02 on 3 or 4. When we would have rung up the $20.00 for the woman who had actually tried to buy it, that amount was not on the register (but she forgot about it). The $18.02 remained unaccounted for, she called as I was finishing my paperwork to say that I had forgotten to ring up her gas, and came back to pay for it. That was when we figured out what actually happened (in short, we thought there were two people stealing gas, but actually it was just confusing)


6) the lottery machine decided to neatly accordion-fold the paper instead of printing a reciept


7) same lottery machine refused to read any tickets put through it, and everything had to be done by hand


8) lottery machine nearly got a little "percussive mantainance"


9) we were rediculously busy all day and barely had time to do anything


10) the guy finally showed up to fix the watery mess in the office


So, today wasn't *too bad* all things considered...my drawer came out *really close* (even with over $5000 in sales, in a gas station) and I found a silver dime AND got compliments from my assistant manager, which really mean something to me because I don't think she's the type to be "loose" with her compliments. :ph34r:


Tonight I'm going to the "outhouse races" (yes, you heard right)




Update: just got back from the outhouse races, yes I have pictures, will post them later. The senator Rick Santorum actually handed out the trophies, unfortunately I did not get pictures of him.


Recommended Comments

In my serene gravity I beg to offer you quite a number of solutions to all of your problems:

Marry and divorce several billionaires. (Millionaires wont do at this stage of inflation.)


In the case of spilt gasoline, an intelligently placed lucifer will perform a number of miracles for you.



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hehehe walking actually wasn't so bad.


And I don't want to marry and divorce billionaires. I mean maybe, if I found one I liked...:) (but I don't like the idea of divorce unless it needs to be done)

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And I don't want to marry and divorce billionaires. I mean maybe, if I found one I liked...:ph34r: (but I don't like the idea of divorce unless it needs to be done)


You could arrange a situation whereby your new found billionaire husband 'accidently' fall down the several flights of stairs, that way you'll be rich without divorce. :thumbs_up:

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Oh thanks! I made it from a fractal. Could not resist using my new fonts :D I am addicted to fonts. :ph34r:


I don't want to kill anyone, either. I don't really care about money all that much, if I have it great, if I'm not rich, I can survive.

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Oh thanks! I made it from a fractal. Could not resist using my new fonts ;) I am addicted to fonts. :ph34r:


I don't want to kill anyone, either. I don't really care about money all that much, if I have it great, if I'm not rich, I can survive.

Pick up an 'idiots guide to investing' book, then talk to a few financial advisors, and start planning things now. Starting now instead of when you're comming up on 30 (like me, doh!) will put you far ahead of the game. :D It WILL come in handy when you want to further your education, make a down payment on your own house, take a European vacation, whatever...

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