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Leg Sec Avg- John Davis Rip



Very sad news from the Secvnda , John Davis , their personable and vastly knowledgable Architectus has lost his life in a road accident. I have placed a Memoriam on the main Forum floor and posted a shot of John in his Auxilliary garb in the gallery.On the Secvnda site ,you can see the tributes coming in and some more images of him at various re-enactments.





This entry is also by way of invitation, to any visitors from the Secvnda to contact UNRV and contribute to our community . Also if I have made factual errors regarding any Secvnda images , or Secvnda activities please let me know at once. My excuse for any error is the amount of valuable information from your learned members that I had to absorb. I know you will all be very busy in the next two weeks at Archeon:




Thanks to David Richardson of The Secvnda.


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I have no doubt that Hermes Psychopompus conducted him to Elysium most expediently.

Surely He has , John was a considerable speaker and gave an Oration prior to the Secvnda taking to the field, he was a master of Artillery, Artist , Architectus and flamboyant Auxilliary!

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