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Another One Bites The Dust



For those of you who are knowledgeable in the art of writing long tomes...you'll agree with me (I think) that editing is worse than writing.


When one writes, you are creating your thoughts as you go along. Sure, you have an outline of some kind, and you're following along with your sources close by--in my case, already summarized in its own Word document, so that cut/paste is easy. But it's still flowing out of your head, through your fingers, and onto the screen in front of you. There's a creative process that is awesome; I will go a full 18 hours just of writing, if the Muses so desire. Certainly I get in a groove of a few days where it all comes flowing out, and it's pretty cool.


Editing..ugh. I'm a bit of a perfectionist, and with a dissertation advisor who is 1) picky; and 2) a perfectionist in her own right, well, I'm almost scared to let a chapter go out, fearing the comments that will come back. Oh, sure, they're wonderful comments, and definitely help to clear any misconceptions that others may have. And I know damn well that a dissertation is not your life's work--it's not even going to be the best work you'll do in your academic career--but it's hard sometimes to let it go. I'm always changing a word here, a phrase there. The first edit is usually when the big block are moved, but after that it's just rewording, clearing up crummy clutter. And I honestly believe that I'm much more stressed when I edit than when I write...I'm trying to view my thoughts in the eyes of others, and that's very hard.


So, chapter 4 is out to the Powers That Be--my 2 dissertation advisors--and now I have 3 weeks to prep the 2 courses I'm teaching in the fall. I've told my advisors that I'll have the final chapter done by the end of October, which is about what I feel is right. Hopefully they'll comply!


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