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Just An Aside--summer Is Here!



Yesterday and today are supposed to be some of the hottest days on record. San Mateo is 20 miles south/southeast of San Francisco, and, as the crow flies, it's approximately 10 miles from the Pacific Ocean. But there's a range of 'high hills' (in other parts of the country, they'd be mountains...but they're too short for that, really) in between, so the fog and ocean breezes are affluent. It's what makes this area so amazing...the heat doesn't really come, and the fog cools us off every night.


Except now hehe


Yesterday, "officially," it was 105'F...our thermometer read 107...in the shade. At least it's dry, not sticky, so it's quite palatable. Our downstairs is up against the hill, so it's much cooler than the upstairs; so I split my time in my office (which is downstairs) and the wine cellar. My dad brought up some big fans--he uses them for when he paints, but they came in handy last night, as there was no wind and no fog.


After the sun went down, every window in the house was open to the max, and the fans were blasting. The downstairs cooled off very nicely, which made sleeping comfortable. But, whew! It felt like the Central Valley all over again!


Today Dad's power-washing the house, so it'll be much cooler in here today. But outside it'll be plenty warm; it's 9:48am, and already it's 85'F outside. It'll be another scorcher today!


(By the by...this weather makes for bad editing climes hehe)


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My goood woman, who cares about the weather in Kali4kneeya? My pal, in Scotts Valley, is always bragging about the weather out there on the left coast. The only weather that is of any importance, is the weather in Brookfordshiresexington Great Olde Place.

I've advised you once before to get an A/C! Your wine must be cooking.



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I see you on google earth! As a matter of scale for a person from a Small Island, what distance are you from Salinas? I hope your wine is safe!

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My goood woman, who cares about the weather in Kali4kneeya? My pal, in Scotts Valley, is always bragging about the weather out there on the left coast. The only weather that is of any importance, is the weather in Brookfordshiresexington Great Olde Place.

I've advised you once before to get an A/C! Your wine must be cooking.




New Yawkers are like Texans...they think the world revolves around them :(


Many people care about the weather in Cali...about 35 million, for starters :( Besides, we don't need AC...I keep telling you this, yet no one believes me!


As for the wine...oh no, a comfortable 72 in the cellar right now. :(

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I see you on google earth! As a matter of scale for a person from a Small Island, what distance are you from Salinas? I hope your wine is safe!


Ah Salinas...and its neighbors Carmel, Monterey, Pac(ific) Grove, and everyone else down there...I love that area! By car, it's about 2 hours; mileage, I think it's like 70 or so miles to the south, down the coast. My brother does much of his scuba diving down in that area; we all used to go there as kids at least once a summer, if not more. At the north of Monterey Bay is Santa Cruz, which has a very famous boardwalk there--another frequent stop of our youth.


The wine's fine...my dad knows how to spot and create a cellar. He may not have any Italian blood in him (that we know of), but he sure as hell thinks like one! Ingenuity at its finest! The wine comes first!

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If you live in San Francisco it should not be like some other places in California. I presume the Bay cools the area and it should not get too warm.


However I'm with Gaius East Coast Bias Baby! <_<

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Just as an update: top temp according to our thermometer was 104'F, the current temp. But inside, with the fans going...it's a comfy 80'F. <_< Iced tea, hot dogs, and ice cream for everyone!

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Just as an update: top temp according to our thermometer was 104'F, the current temp. But inside, with the fans going...it's a comfy 80'F. :D Iced tea, hot dogs, and ice cream for everyone!


Make up your mind woman! Are you for or against the weather out there? Are you a Valley Girl, (whatever that is)? -_-

Do you babble in Kali4kneeya English? <_<

By the bye, once the temp goes above 60 degrees, it's A/C time. ;)

In order for the wine to be comfortable, it should repose at 54 degrees. :D




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Oh, I love the weather here...just not used to it hitting triple digits. Well, not here. I thought I had left those in my collegiate and post-collegiate life. As for the wine...it's just fine. Well, it'll be tested tonight, just to make sure <_<

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Oh, I love the weather here...just not used to it hitting triple digits.

Do you also enjoy earthquakes, mudslides, bankrupt state economy, etc...? NYC is where all civilized people choose to habit, n'est pas Octavius?

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Earthquakes: meh, a little shimmy-shake every once in a while keeps us on our toes. To be honest, you don't feel much as long as you're on a bed of granite and clay (as is most of the state) :ph34r: Mudslides: none here, thanks Bankrupt state economy: Ah-nuld is actually helping in that area...or so it seems. He got Dubbya to pay for the Guard's patrolling of the border! Hah! Etc.: the only thing that does sit well with me is the cost of housing...but I plan on winning the lottery and then not caring. So it's all good <_<

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Oh, I love the weather here...just not used to it hitting triple digits.

Do you also enjoy earthquakes, mudslides, bankrupt state economy, etc...? NYC is where all civilized people choose to habit, n'est pas Octavius?


Let me explain how things are. America ends at the Hudson River - period. The part of NY beyond, is merely a charity case. That includes staten island. The rest are merely dependent appendages, divided into provinces, outlieing rural districts, flood plain, and boondocks. They avariciously suck up NYC's gold to foster their errant pre-historic hystrionics whilst they eat their livers out. Kali4kneeya is a special case. All <_<'s gravitate there and are in the process of befouling our language and food.

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Earthquakes: meh, a little shimmy-shake every once in a while keeps us on our toes. To be honest, you don't feel much as long as you're on a bed of granite and clay (as is most of the state) :ph34r: Mudslides: none here, thanks Bankrupt state economy: Ah-nuld is actually helping in that area...or so it seems. He got Dubbya to pay for the Guard's patrolling of the border! Hah! Etc.: the only thing that does sit well with me is the cost of housing...but I plan on winning the lottery and then not caring. So it's all good <_<


The cost of housing does sit well with you? Sort of goes to proove P. Clodius charitable comments. Or editing has gotten the better of you. P.C. forgot to mention those little brush fires that seem to cause no end of consternation to the rustics.

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No, my brain is indeed fried. I'm not happy about housing costs...it's going to force me to move from here, and my parents (who are getting ready to move in the next 5 years) are looking at places in the Central Valley instead of being able to stay in the Bay Area. That sucks beyond words. As for the brush fires...most of them are in underdeveloped 'wilderness' areas, so perhaps Mother Nature is telling those people that they shouldn't go messing with her work.

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