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Once Again I Renew My Plea



Ever since my third year of college, with all of my classes being upper division in type, and with many academic writings to peruse, I have clamored for retraining of academians. And again I renew my plea.


When I become Ruler of the World, every academian will take writing courses (in the language or languages in which they publish) approximately every 5 years. In these courses, the 'students' will re-learn and refresh themselves on the proper writing styles of their genre. The first course, which is mandatory and must be passed with at least an 80%, is on clarity of writing style.


Christ Almighty, some people just can't write worth a hill of beans. It seems as if they bypassed the editory panel completely, and went from 'draft' to 'published product' in one fail swoop.


In the past week and a half I've been reviewing my notes and articles/chapters on Functionalism (in linguistics, naturally) in order to gear up to write this next chapter. There were several items which I had to re-read at least 3-4 times, simply because I couldn't understand what the person was aiming for. How many times can you contradict yourself in one paragraph? Really, it seemed like there was a competition between two writers. I won't divulge any names (you never know who's reading your column :ph34r: ), but there are many who need this course...and badly.


The other course, which will be mandatory for any academian (professor or lecturer) who teaches is a refresher course of teaching and presenting. Like its writing counterpart, each 'student' will have to renew their training approximately every 5 years, and will have to pass with at least 80%. Unlike the writing course, this other course will be multi-lateral: part methodology, part diction, and part speech/presentation skills. Seriously, I know that professors at Research I universities are hired because of their research and not for their teaching...but if you can't understand what the bloody hell the instructor is saying, or what they wish to say, or even what they plan on placing on the test...how are you expected to pass a course, let alone retain any information in the future?


Ok, back to writing. :ph34r:


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It goes beyond editing...sentence construction that is so convoluted that it takes you 3-4 times to read a sentence just to understand it. It's hard for the reader to understand what you want to say when you write terribly!

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Don't let it never be not said that I didn't never try less harder not to be more unconfusing than I couldn't be.
(sig of "the founder" on a forum I'm on)
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