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Falconry Expedition



Prithee: Note well that Pertinax will be much Engagde in Venerye the Morrowe..


so what do we have here? Amedieval shopping list?


Emperor :The Eagle, Vulture and Merloun / Lady : The Marlyon

King : The Ger Falcon and Tercel of the Ger Falcon / Young Man :The Hobby

Prince :The Falcon Gentle and the Tercel Gentle / Yeoman :The Goshawk

Duke : The Falcon of the Rock (coastal type) / Poor Man :The Jercel (male goshawk)

Earl : The Falcon Peregrine / Priest :The Sparrowhawk

Baron : The Bustard / Holy Water Clerk:The Musket (male sparrowhawk)

Knight: The Sacre and the Sacret / Knave or Servant:The Kestrel

Esquire: The Lanere and the Laneret


Beshrew me! An order of precedence for the entitlement of persons to fly a rank of hunting bird fit to their station .A man could not fly a bird commesurate with a person of higher social standing.

Tomorrow , hopefully, I fly the Peregrine and the Hobby ( mostte seemlye in ranke to my personne)-in bird handling skills alone , (I think it unlikely I will be hunting Roe Deer with an eagle).The Marlyon is the merlin, the smallest but nevertheless deadly hawk, hence its decorous adornment of the feminine wrist .Notice though that the better hunters are usually the feathery females.




some curiose footnottes:

"Much has been written of King John's passion for crane hawking (for which he flew a cast of gyrs given to him by the King of Norway) and he often brought hunting parties to the Test Valley to fly falcons at herons." James I ( and VI) was noted for using cormorants to hunt fish.All monarchs from Alfred to George III are recorded as keen in the art of falconry.


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