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New Hope



I went to New Hope PA today with my dad and KT. (New Hope is PA's mystically-inclined shopping town. Tarot readers are a dime a dozen there.) Unfortunately my little cousin Jenny could not come along, she became ill last night, but I hope to be able to see her sometime this week. We spent the day shopping and basically having a blast. I didn't spend much (it's very easy to spend entirely too much in New Hope) however we did visit many interesting shops which are "right up my alley" so to speak. KT added to her collection of Tigger things and also her collection of blue glass.


I got a nice dagger in a small magic shop. It's a well made dagger (for decorative purposes or for use in ritual, not "battle worthy" as far as I know) and very beautiful. I doubt I'll use it for magic as I don't really practice magic, however I do feel some sort of bond with it and it almost instantly became very special to me. (I do collect weapons of all kinds).


I also found some perfume oil in another shop down the street. This fragrance oil, unlike most of it's kind, is actually designed for use on skin. This was from a slightly larger magic shop and many of the oils were designed for a magical purpose, however I do not know how effective they are in serving that purpose. In any event, I chose one which smelled pleasant, and which I could be certain would not have any unwanted side effects if the magic did in fact work. It smells really good, and the smell reminds me somewhat of being in a temple of some kind. It's an odd, happy, protected feeling. :wacko:


That's all I bought, but I'm rather proud of myself because I didn't plan on spending alot of money even though there were so many things there I would love to have. We ate lunch at a nice little place called "Wildflowers", which I absolutely love. The entrance is hard to find (it's back beside a building and you have to go down stairs) but the food is served outside on a terrace (usually) and the atmosphere is amazing. As is the food. Cheaply priced (you can get a whole lunch for $8 while at most places one entre is $14) and absolutely delicious. The service is wonderful also, and you get your food quickly. I highly reccommend it if you are ever in New Hope. I know if I go back to New Hope I am eating at that resturant again.


Yesterday we went to yard sales, and then to a wedding. At the yard sales I got a weird candelabra which is pretty much hideous, it is made almost entirely of solid marble with brass "arms" and details. It cost $4. I'm sure it's worth far more than that. I also got a pretty mother of pearl and abalone shell box, which I'm sure isn't worth too much more than the $5 I paid for it, but I simply fell in love with it. It is sitting in my room and I always have to stare at it now when I'm in there.


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