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Pereyaslavl' (one Of The Oldest Russian Towns)



It was my shot trip on one of weekends!

Pereyaslavl' is one of the oldest Russian towns (1152 year AD). It's small town includes into famous Russian Golden Ring (a few old great towns around Moscow). I was in this town lately and took some pictures. This town was founded at the same time as Moscow and was founded by Yury Dolgoruky (as Moscow). I think sometimes that this guy traveled there and back and around and drank with other local guys. I guess he was enjoy it and probably shouted "Your village will be the greatest city soon!" lol. And he established a lot of towns in such a way. You can see the sculpture of this guy in my album here. I was wondered always what it's mean really "to establish the town". Probably simply to note any settlement and say "this is the new town". Well, the history says Pereyaslavl' was founded in 1152 year, but archaeological finds shows the settlement already existed in 8 AD on this place.

This town is interested by church of Alexandr Nevsky too. I don't know what you know about him, but he was very famous person in Russia. He beat many enemies (Swedish and Lithuanian crusaders and Mongols too in first part 13 AD). He lived in Pereyaslavl (it was his land) as a simple fisher and caught fish in great Plescheevo lake in spite of the fact that he was a duke. One day ambassadors from Great Novgorod came to him and asked to defend Russian lands from crusaders, to stay in the head of army and Alexandr agreed. He drown Swedish crusaders in Chudskoy lake (very deep lake, lol). He forced them to fight on the lake's ice and ice broke from crusader's weight. Well, This church (with green domes) calls Alexandr Nevsky church. Interestingly that he was added to list of Orthodox Saints.

Well, I'm sure that you know about Peter I (The Great). When he was young (about 16 years old) and dream about Russian navy (Russia hadn't navy, lol) he came to Plescheevo lake to build his "amusing fleet" and learned to build war ships (he invited a lot of shipbuilders from different countries) and organized war battles on this lake. One ship is saved now in museum.

And monasteries! A lot of wonderful monasteries are in this town.


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It appears Russia is more of a gold mine for history than I thought. Do you know how they got the Mongols out of their lands? I heard they used gunpowder but many sources seem to suggest otherwise.

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It appears Russia is more of a gold mine for history than I thought. Do you know how they got the Mongols out of their lands? I heard they used gunpowder but many sources seem to suggest otherwise.


Russians applyed gunpowder for canons since 1382 year to defend Moscow from Mongols. I believe it wasn't earlier. They usually used boiled grease which poured out on the enemy's heads. BTW, the applying of canons was one of the reasons why Mongols couldn't defeat Moscow.

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Thanks for the reply Lacertus. Moscovy no matter what anyone says is truly a great defensive nation. I hope to visit Russia some day there's a lot of history that needs to be explored there.


By the way I love the pictures.

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