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Arbeia To Cilvrinum



Before I , hopefully, attend the re-enactment at Banna I would like to clear up the geography of the Eastern extremity of Hadrian's Wall. This is also to indicate the likely extent of any photorecce , as much of the Wall in this area was destroyed by use as building material for the Military Road in the Jacobite Rebellion (c1745).

The other difficulty is that in this area urbanisation has swamped or overgrown the remains of the fortifications.


If you refer to this map section:




Arbeia is a site I will visit , this is a re-created "museum" of structures




Segedunum is a coralled site amidst an industrial area

http://www.segedunum.com/ ( as brought to you by Northern Neil recently). As you will seee I tried to get a response/link to UNRV but no-one seems to be home at present.


Pons Aelius is literally buried under Newcastle's Castle.


Condercvm is a few scattered remains in a "housing project", most of the fort is built over by housing.


Vindobala is a vague outline in a field.The military road scythes through the middle of the site.


Coria is my next project (Corbridge Fort and settlement).This is a pre-Hadrianic Flavian work like Vindolanda.


thence we arrive at Cilvrinum and my previous blog entry.


wish me luck for good weather and LEG VIII Augusta!


and a special link just for Docoflove!



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You know much that is hidden oh Tim...


Quite...*sets stuff of fire*


Crap, I have to stop doing that...I'm gonna really hurt myself if I keep it up.

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