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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums
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Al Principio...



This is just to start things off...I view this blog as a way to do a couple of things:


--As ideas come to my head for possible future research, I'll place them on here...if nothing else than to philosophize on them for a bit.


--To expound a bit on topics of the Romance languages (and perhaps others) which come up on UNRV.


Since I'm in the middle of writing my dissertation, I'm either going to have no time to write often, am going to be fried when I do it, or will be on here often because I'm procrastinating (and I'm predicting option C will be most common :wacko: ). So be patient, both with the frequency of the posts and the innanity that might ensue. I promise I'll try to keep things relatively lay-friendly, but am more than willing to do a 'Introduction to Linguistics' course in order to educate the public. Heck, it's what I do anyway :wacko:




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