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At 9:39 am EST on 5/15/2006, Marian Elizabeth was born. She weighed in at 6lbs, 3.9oz or 2.43 kg and 21 inches in length.


Mom is recovering from C-Section, Marian is in the NICU for observation. Apart from a small problem with low normal blood sugar, a possible small problem with two cervical vertabrae (nothing major, just not complete bone closure yet - the column is intact just the closure/fissure has cartilage right now) and the doctors saying they have to monitor her liver bile ducts a bit closer (but they aren't worried), Marian is doing fine. There will be running a more extensive battery of test on her tomorrow including an echo-cardiogram, EKG, EEG, and an Ultrasound of her head and kidneys.


The poor little girl had to have an IV put in, in case they had to give her fluids for the blood sugar, and it blew on each of her hands so she has one in her foot. But if the tests come back she's as healthy as she appears otherwise...she'll be in the regular nursery tomorrow at some point.


I left the camera at the hospital, otherwise I'd post a picture of her right now. Maybe tomorrow, right now I've been up since 3 am and am going to sign-off.


Happy Birthday everyone, buy a drink and send me the bill...this round is on me.


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Congragulations Spurius! Think about it for a moment of your life, you are the happiest man in the entire world. I hope she is doing fine and luck be with you...she'll keep you up at night for a while. :)


Anyways, I wish you the best. :)


Best Wishes,


Andrew Rezk

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