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Ooo, I Am So Mad! I Can't Believe This...



I got this email today. Normally I don't pay too much attention to forwarded emails unless they are cute, but I read about this EXACT SAME THING in Newsweek about a month or so ago.


Please act immediately to save and protect the Internet from

monopolies, tolls and censorship.



House Vote Will be Crucial to Future of Your Internet




--- excerpts:


Within the next two weeks, and with very little media

attention, the House of Representatives is expected to

vote on the Communications Opportunity, Promotion and

Enhancement Act, also known as the COPE bill. The bill

will have an impact on every American family, but the

only agenda that will be promoted and enhanced by this

bill will be that of the country's largest telephone

and cable companies.


Despite COPE's blatant flaws, only 12 members of the House

Commerce Committee -- one Republican, Rep. Heather Wilson

(R-NM) and eleven Democrats -- voted against the bill last

week. The House Commerce Committee approved the bill, by a

vote of 42 to 12. It's not hard to understand why the COPE

bill continues to gain momentum. It's being aggressively

pushed by cable and telephone companies, and other telecom

giants that will benefit from this unfair legislation.


The COPE bill opens the door for companies to turn the free

and open "Information Superhighway" into a toll road

benefiting their own bottom lines. A vote for COPE, Rep.

Markey warned, is a vote "to fundamentally and

detrimentally alter the Internet."


The Commerce Committee turned back an amendment by Reps.

Markey, Rick Boucher (D-VA), Jay Inslee (D-WA), and Anna

Eshoo (D-CA) to ensure 'net neutrality': the principle that

Internet users should be able to access any web content

they want, post their own content, and use any applications

they choose, without restrictions or limitations imposed by

their Internet service providers (ISPs).


The amendment, defeated by a vote of 34 to 22, would have

protected an Internet where any user can search for

information without constraint, and where thousands of

nonprofit groups and bloggers have been able to prosper

because the Internet provided them a lowcost forum where

they compete for an audience based on the quality of their

ideas, not the size of their wallets.


As the House prepares to vote this week, the House

leadership wants this bill to be rushed through before the

public gets a chance to voice its opposition. But that

opposition already is being heard. Common Cause alone

has generated more than 80,000 e-mails and calls to

Congress and telecommunications executives calling for

'net neutrality'. As one Member of Congress put it:

"There's a prairie fire going on out there."


Stupid government. If the American people are not sufficiently angered by this, then I officially give up on America. And if this bill actually passes, then it's really true, democracy doesn't work anymore.


On a lighter note, after much work this morning we got the art show cleaned up (I worked extra to help out afterwards) and I got all of my artwork home safe thanks to my mom for giving me a ride home today. I found out today that I almost won "choice of show", which is considerably more annoying than not winning it when I thought I didn't stand a chance :wacko:


Oh, and I posted the pictures of the flowers in my gallery, come check them out! I am so proud!!!


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I found out today that I almost won "choice of show", which is considerably more annoying than not winning it when I thought I didn't stand a chance


You got there because of hard work Lost Warrior. Never think you don't deserve it or you don't stand a chance. Or as Vince Lombardi would say, 'If you don't think you stand a chance, then you don't.' With all that said, congragulations, Super Senior! :)

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Well, we have a system where representatives represent the special interest groups who fund their campaigns. When you give politicians control over economy, you give 'big money' control over politicians. Communications companies, power companies... these are coerced monopolies empowered by the goverment.

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Lol yea, you're probly right. Sometimes I just wonder though...despite what they always say, can one person really make a difference? I mean, it seems to me now that all the public outcry in the world isn't changing a doggone thing, so what good could I possibly do?

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