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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums
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Should Be Back Soon...



My computer will be back this week (hopefully) or next week, unless something else happens. YAY!! I'm sick of having to use library computers, or my friends', because the library computers are always blocking things (I couldn't make this entry yesterday, they blocked access to my blog I don't know why. I know there's nothing inappropriate in here...) and they blocked access to the "Romana Humanitas" section of the forums (possibly because it mentions wine? I have no idea. They are so stupid). I can totally not wait to get my computer back, not only can I not do anything at my school and I don't like going to the library (where I can't do some things) but I need it for some of my school work. I missed out on some extra credit points in chem because of no internet access. I'm not too worried about the chem but I'm a bit peeved by the whole thing. B)


On a lighter note, its warm here, and sunny, and should be close to 70 degrees F by the end of the week. Yay, I'm sick of the cold. Spring has sprung!! I got some more drawings done, but I cannot post them yet, for obvious reasons lol. I can't wait untill I can upload them though.


Can someone sign into my chatroom to keep it active? Hopefully it has not been "decreated" since I lost my computer and couldn't be there to keep the room active. That would majorly suck. Gah. <_<


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