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Just Another Day...

FLavius Valerius Constantinus


So the only thing new in my life now is that lacrosse season now starts. For lacrosse, all I ever do is practice for two hours in the unbearable cold to the point of not feeling my fingers, luckily springtime is making it warmer. Boy do I just hate running/conditioning, run run run... that's lacrosse for ya. Oh wells, as long as I'm staying active and the feeling of belong to an actual team is awesome. By the way, we're called the Loyola Ramblers.


Aside, my life still sucks. I can drive now, but don't take advantage of it. All I do is go to Borders and Starbucks, or the movies. I still don't have a girlfriend yet, pretty miserable but not much concern <_<. So yeah, dull isn't it. All I have is my humor to keep my happy.


Way off, I was watching the movies Constantine and the Mummy today, now I must say, Rachel Weis is the second hottest woman ever! Natalie Portman is #1 of course, but its like a 1/2 standing. Pointing being, Rachel Weis is smoking!!!!!!! Yaowza!


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