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Roman Herb Garden



My seeds have arrived today from the Nursery in Broadstairs . If all goes well-not too much rain in the spring-I should hope to replicate some of the features of a Romano-British Physic garden , and have some definitive photographs for the Roman Herbal Gallery by summer.

We have Betony, the Celtic favourite for those given to "visions and dreams" (anti psychotic/nervine).

Yarrow-the Roman Soldiers'Herb for the "wounds made by iron weapons".

Woad-the Pictish and Brythonic choice for combat advertising (and a ready use wound salve) .

Comfrey-the herb of Mercurius (sacred to travellers) for deep bruising and torn ligaments.

Henbane-the Roman anaesthetic/pain killer.

Foxglove-ancient cardiac tonic.

Deadly Nightshade- <_< beautiful but deadly.

Borage-Celtiberian beer addittive for pre-combat use.


The Yarrow and Borage I intend to add to homemade beers - it will be interesting to see what flavours they impart. Henbane -described as the "submerged Leviathan " of ancient fermentation I think I will avoid as an addittive.

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