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Hiss, Ping, And Squabble



"Hey mate!" Hissed a builder as I strolled by the old college car park that is now being fenced off in preparation for Demolition Day. "Can I borrow yer barbells?"


Pardon me? Either that young man has discovered that erecting the ramparts around the site is physicaslly demanding and urgently requires a body building regime, or I've just been propositioned by a gay builder. Walk on, Caldrail, walk on...


I mean, what on earth was that youngster thinking? Does he really believe I carry large weights around in my pockets? No... Don't answer that.


On The Home Front

Saturday 21:30 hrs.

A voice outside my home is heard to say "We'll come back when he's in."


I did suspect that might be the local burglars and as a precaurtion stayed up late. Nothing happened.


Tuesday 23:45 hrs.

There was an odd crinckly noise. "Yeah... He's in there."


I checked the entrance to my home but no sign of entry was observed.


Wednesday 03:30 hrs

I was woken abruptly by a loud doorbell noise. Not my own, it must be said, but my neighbours did not respond either. I'd been dimly aware of noises before that in my slumborous condition. No sign of entry.


In the light of that recent death threat you'll have to excuse me for being a tad suspicious of bumps in the night. Was I overhearing those pesky local thieves, or was this a more sinister threat, or merely just somebodies idea of a sick wind-up?


I hadn't really thought of it before but DW, our local intrepid online jopurnalist, has been subject to some pretty nasty attitudes from certain members of the public and I have been associated with some of his journalistic projects. Have I been targeted by bully boys intent on seeing off DW's allies?


So far the Police haven't been taking DW too seriously about the masses of insults and threats directed at him. The internet is full of talk, as it were, but is this a sign of a war leaking into the real world?


I'll have to stop feeding my rottweiller.


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