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How to become a politician



I contaced (via email) every political party that is represented in austrian parliament! I had one question regarding a specific issue and what there stand is on it, and also if there are any person i could talk about it in my town and maybe (if i am happy with it) join their political party....


8 weeks later i must say it was rather interesting....


2 parties have not responded till today

2 parties have responded with a canned automatic response, not going into the fact that i want to speak with someone in my town

1 party did all i asked, (relatively quick reply, gave me contact person in my town and send me information how to become a member)

1 party i contacted even though they are not in the parliament, but getting lot of press lately here; the pirate party (but it is so chaotic there i couldnt work with them, i guess when you beyond a certain age, you need some sort of structure)


I had a constructive talk with representative of party Nr.5 and after i am back from Rio de Janeiro, i might join them. I am not going to be the next president,but i might change some local stuff that i always wanted to be fixed. What better way to actually try and do something about it than just complain, right?


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