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Just Another Day At High School

FLavius Valerius Constantinus


So today was just another day with a few changes in the regular routine. So anyways, I came to school, had Geometry first period, pretty damn easy I must say when you are doing radical problems...

Second period, speech, damn teacher gave us a third project to do altogether within one week ;) .

Third period, Literature, my that research paper makes me wanna committ suicide(in a peaceful manner of course) B) .

Fourth period, had lunch, school food is horrible I must say. I usually sit around my friends and sometimes with the 'popular' sophomore kids when I have nowhere else to sit. All we do is joke all day...sad but that's really what all we do, find humor in life. :) \

Fifth period, had Latin class and we're learning the Gerundive now, its

suppose to be hard but it ain't bad, but saying the Passive Perphrastic Participle messes me up all the time, which is why it is called the Gerundive of Obligation by my teacher. Halfway through class, fire alarm goes on. Everyone walks out, but its 'freaking 21 DEGREES.' So we're standing around...blah blah this and that. Turns out the kitchen in the Cafeteria had a fire...

But then 6th period lunch wasn't able to be held...haha I felt bad for the kids randomly sitting in the hallway and those who couldn't eat lunch...luckily I was in design class. Now I must say, drawing a 'perfect Euclideian Pentagon is extremely complicated.' I would just like someone try to say its easy when they don't have a protracter, but only a compass, pencil, and ruler.

Seventh period I have Gym, the easiest and funnest class ever. Now of all the periods, 7th Gym is considered the worse ever and my class is definitely the worse ever since all of us are bunch of A-holes who mess around too much. So we're doing Floor Hockey, pretty fun. But the problem is , today, I got the 'face treatment.' Now here's what I mean. I'm on offense and our center who is about to shoot the ball with the stick for a goal...only thing he did was elevate the damn thing too high that me and this other guy were standing there...next thing I know is BAM...I got hit in the face/jawline area. So I'm like "TIME OUT COACH, THINK I JUST GOT HIT IN THE FACE <_< sarcastically of course. Fifteen seconds later after stading around...yup I fine...game on... ;)

Eighth period we had a Chemistry test... now the day before this kid I know stole the test...next day it spreads around the class...yet know one was able to work out the damn problems...it was just that hard. Ironic isn't.


So there ya go, just another day in the life of ME/Flavius.


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