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Wind In The Writing



Oh the wind did howl last night. Still quite blustery this morning. With nothing better to do today I feel a reminiscense coming on...


Wind was one of the two obstacles to my flying in days gone by. A headwind was useful to shorten take off and landings, but too much wind and the little Cessna couldn't cope any more than I could. On one occaision I turned up to the airfield and the ground controllers allowed me to fly on the basis that the wind was aligned with the runway direction.


Non-flyers don't usually realise this but strong winds when you're manoevering an aeroplane on the ground can by quite hazardous. If the aeroplane is facing a forty knot wind, even when stationary, the silly machine thinks it's moving at forty knots and is close to wanting to fly. That's why we flyers tie our aircraft down if left in the open.


Nevertheless it was judged safe to fly so I signed the forms, wandered out onto the apron, went through the pre-flight checks, and taxied out to the runway threshhold. Clear to depart? Here we go then... No sooner had I opened the throttle than the Cessna shot up like an elevator. I have to say it was very impressive. Not sure it was all that safe - strong winds never are - but that was the first time I ever landed an aeroplane literally on the spot. And it wasn't a horrible accident either. Bonus. The plane just descended almost vertically and plopped down gently onto the runway.


With a bit of luck there won't be anything descending vertically on me today.



I saw a chap today getting around with the aid of two walking sticks. Inury? Illness? No idea. Yet when he came to the library stairs he lifted both and walked up without assistance. Oh yeah? So what are the sticks for matey?



Does anyone know who this Peter Andre is? Why are so many television programs made about his private life? I mean, if he was that interesting, surely I'd already know?


Poem Of The Week

The rain outside is falling

Television's sort of boring

No friends have thought of calling

So instead I'll just start snoring.


The wind outside is quite a gale

My house begins to shake

Though I try to sleep I always fail

So instead I'll stay awake


I hear the shouting in the street

Perhaps I'll take a look?

It's cold out there; I prefer the heat

So instead I'll read a book


Stirring tales of derring do

Ttagedy to make you weep

Bleary eyed by chapter two

I finally fell asleep


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