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It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas



Well, most of the presents have been figured out and either purchased or made...just that one person left.


You know how it is...there's always that one person that you have no idea what would be a good gift. In this case, it's my middle brother. And since I already found a good gift for my sister-in-law, I have to think of something equally good for him. So a gift for the couple is out...I think...hmmmmmmmm....


Ok, I'll let you in on the secret: I got my sister-in-law a gift certificate for an hour long massage at a day spa...maybe I could give my brother a certificate for something to do while his wife is getting the massage? Or some other thing that would be equally 'pampering' to him? If my brother and I got along better, this probably would be easier. But the fact is that we don't, for a number of reasons that I don't really wish to go into here. Suffice it to say that we haven't ever really gotten along, not even as kids. I thought about doing a 'lunch and day together' thing, but I don't think he'd like that very much. Sigh and alas, I think it'll take me a while to figure this gift out. Thankfully I have until the 30th, when we siblings meet up, so I have a chance at getting him a good gift.


And, no, I don't fret much over gifts, but just enough to make sure they aren't the cheesy gifts that no one wants. As I watch the commercials--note I said watch, because I mute the TV when the ads come on--there are all of these commercials for *that special gift* for *that certain someone* in your life. Surely the man whose gift you are searching for will want a new electric razor...or perhaps this cologne? Of course there's always power tools and big-screen TVs, because what male can resist the allure of a cordless drill or a 3D plasma screen.


And the 'gifts' for women are just as comical...if the ads are to be believed, every heterosexual man knows that we ladies want jewelry, and that if we don't get any there will be hell to pay. At least, it seems that way from the ads; how many are of men desperately searching for the diamond that sparkles the brightest? Or the tennis bracelet that has the most precious stones? Really?


I mean, sure, if you'd like to give me jewelry, so be it--I'm definitely not going to refuse it. But there were other things on my list that I was hoping Santa would bring. :wine::naughty::whistling:


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It was a happy day when my siblings started producing off-spring that way I could concentrate on things for the kids rather than siblings/in-laws - they could make do with a card.


It also meant, since they live a long way away and we don't see them too often, that I could put the onus on them to suggest something suitable for their own kids. :naughty:

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Why do people get so stressed up at christmas? Actually I already know. It's a rather sad obsession with pleasing the recipient, when really it's on the recipient to grin and say thank you. My father was the worlds worst for receiving presents. He once went into a tantrum because I bought a pack of blank DVD's that apparently wren't compatible with his computer. Stupid old sod gets sweet fanny adams these days.


Ahh yes... Stress free christmas... Oh hello, what's that noise outside? Oh no, carol singers... Gah!

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Someone gave me a gift for my birthday and I felt exactly like Sheldon



Now it's their birthday so I have to go buy something nice, no idea what, of appropriate symbolic value taking in account their interests and our relationship. My nephew is going to be born later today but that's an easy one. Two sets of noise canceling headphones for the happy parents. Soon, Christmas! Oh, joy!

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That show has its moments...and that's one of them! It's for this reason that I don't give out many gifts, and would rather bake...it means I tend to get candy in return, which is never a bad thing :)

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