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Oh good, I'm glad I wasn't the only one who didn't see it. Then again, I was always the one that could never see the hidden picture in those dot prints that you have to unfocus your eyes. Of course, I looked at it last night after teaching, so my focus is never quite that sharp ;)

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To extrapolate further, in the example shown, not only is the lower angle 'Angle A' (as shown), but the right angle is 'Angle B'.


Doc would be forgiven for not seeing it. Not so, Melvadius.

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If you are trying to make the point that an upside down right angle triangle could 'very roughly' be drawn to fit inside the easternmost extremities of Wales I could see your reasoning. :unsure:


But in that case surely 'Angle A' should instead be in Anglesey or are you trying to 'pun it' as 'Angle-C'??

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Noooo... Still struggling to see anything... Is this one of this 'magic picture' things that plays tricks with the senses? Or is it a mystuical ley line for conducting earth energies to the spiritual home of the druids? Or is it a secret wartime chart for bombers on a daring mission to crush welsh morale with a heavyweight straegic bombing offensive? Or is it a secret road for those drivers privileged enough to be exempt from speed cameras? Or has Pythagoras been revealed as a welshman?

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I suppose I'd better explain (though Lord knows I really didn't want to!)


The large island at the North Western tip of Wales is called Anglesey (pronounced Angle-C). I hoped that anyone living in the UK would see 'Angle-A' extrapolate straight away and realise it was a pun on Anglesey/Angle-C). Overseas readers can be forgiven not knowing about Anglesey, in the same way that few UK readers would be able to point to Long Island on an unmarked map.


Apologies for this very weak attempt at humour. Needless to say, the whole scenario played out hilariously in my head before the event.

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I was thinking along the lines of Caldrail as well. LOL After all, I am a yank, but like Docoflove, my eyes tend to get all wobbly on the dot prints, too. Or my favorite is the hag and the lady. <g>

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