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Now You See It....



"Hello" Said the guy next to me as I waited for the library to open. Receiving a friendly greeting is an unusual experience for me and I sort of did a double take.


"You are.. Caldrail?" He enquired, looking a bit mystified as to why I was looking mystified. Erm... Yes. yes, that's me.


"Remember me?. College, OND days?"


Good grief. I remember him now! There was an Iranian chap who was part of our year back in 1982. The year before we'd worked together on an embarrasing project to build a wind tunnel, and like the tutors predicted, we failed utterly to progress beyond a fibreglass monstrosity that we never built in the first place.


In fact, so embarrased was I about having worked with this guy on the wind tunnel that for my exam project I worked alone on a computor program for spark ersion machining, which I have to say worked a whole lot better for me.


What an extraordinary memory this man has for faces. I mean, I don't even look the same. How did he recognise this straggly haired old codger from the dashing young would-be rock star he worked with twenty years ago? Well it's great to see you, mate. How'yer been?


The Great Switch Off

For a few years now the government have been warning us that the old analogue television signals would be switched off this year. Everyone must buy digital equipment or else. So like every disgruntled citizen I put my hand in my pocket and purchased a freeview box. As the instructions said, I retuned the receiver and....


Well it worked for a few weeks. Now I have no television signal. Aww poo....


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