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Sobering Thoughts



Having received that email yesterday from an arab sheik it came as a shock to see the news revealing a terrorist plot to assassinate a saudi diplomat had been foiled by American authorities. I doubt the two are connected in any way - I don't even know if the email is genuine - but the thought that my flippant comments on the blog yesterday might have serious implications is a bit of a sobering thought.


I can easily imagine a budget airline jet halted on the tarmac while two dark suited security guys board the plane and ask seriously alarmed middle eastern gentleman to accompany them to the nearest debriefing centre in Englands Green and Hidden Land. Or have I been watching to many repeats of The professionals?. That's a sobering thought too.


Defence Of The Realm

Obviously I can't get a job with CI5 because they happen to be a fictional organisation - or are they? What are we not being told? Is Britain defended by bad midland accents and fluffy permed hair? Why do we never see gold coloured Aston Martins roaring to the rescue? Okay, I know the latest james Bond is to drive a Bentley Continental... Oh dang it, careless talk costs lives. Sorry James, it sort of slipped out... Should have kept the invisible Aston after all. Serves you right for crashing it in the arctic circle last time out.


More Like Me

Unemployment figures for Britain are the worst since 1994. Back then I was doing okay, working for a living and although I couldn't afford the James Bond/Johnny English lifestyle, I did manage a cheap japabnese sports car or two (without machineguns unfortunately) and enough flying lessons to clear the skies over an intwernational airport in New Zealand.


Simply claiming the dole will mean there will always be those that say I want to be unemployed. I can assure I don't. It isn't cool, it isn't fun, and I miss throttle pedals and levers immensely. So concerned are the authoities that my title of Lord Caldrail is merely another dodge to stay unemployed that they have, for the last eighteen months, been trying to frustrate and get me to thropw a right old tantrum telling someone that I'm very important.


It's just a title, people. That's all. I keep telling you that but you're so busy trying to weed out dole cheats and fraudsters you seem to be focusing on the one claimant in Swindon who doesn't want to be unemployed. Mind you, it does sort of make me realise that in a way I am important. Now there's a sobering thought.


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