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Sacred Beer



Ye seconnde partte_Part 2


So firstly we see the near universal practice of fermentation as food, medicine and divine conduit now we are down to practical matters and the


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I have recently read an interesting anecdote about a Picti chief cornered on a cliff face by an enemy who was offered leniency if he divulged his secret recipe for heather ale.


He chose to jump...

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I have recently read an interesting anecdote about a Picti chief cornered on a cliff face by an enemy who was offered leniency if he divulged he secret recipe for heather ale.


He chose to jump...


He did-but first he had has son killed as he feared the boy would not be strong enough to resist torture.

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I have recently read an interesting anecdote about a Picti chief cornered on a cliff face by an enemy who was offered leniency if he divulged he secret recipe for heather ale.


He chose to jump...


He did-but first he had has son killed as he feared the boy would not be strong enough to resist torture.


A very loving father.

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