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Lost In A Public World



Now it's official - Privacy is dead. Get used to it. I learned that from Russia Today yesterday. That comes as something of a suprise since after decades of Cold War fiction I had no idea Russia had any privacy at all. So this is a cheery hello to all those secret agents in Russia who are currently reading my blog. Hi guys.


Euro Wobbles

Finacial experts (is there such a thing?) are predicting the current economic woes of the eurozone will continue for decades. Given the shakey record of some members, it hardly needed a Masters Degree in Finacial Disasters to figure that out. I also notice that Frabnce and Germany are still determined to create their euopean empire as they persuade the EU not to start evicting the worst debt ridden countries.


I must admit to a some smugness over these economic difficulties. Some time ago I predicted the Euro would wobble. The problem with a United Europe is that it isn't united. It's a bunch of different established nations being persuaded to sign up for a single government. My predictions also included the strife of independence struggles to come in some future time, but of course, who would have predicted that the European Union would struggle so hard to work?


Lost Money

Also struggling to work is our local community internet. There's been quite a scandal as the company who were setting up the free WiFi service didn't, and cost the council oodles of cash. The council are of course confident the cash will be restored to them and now plans to try again with a different provider, only this time we will all pay for the service.


I thought we were paying for it? Isn't that what Council Tax is about?


Lost In Libya

I see that David Cameron, our glorious leader, is heading to Libya for talks with the new transitional council. Well good luck on that, and I hope someone finds him afterward.


I also notice that with mobile phone technology making it easy to locate individuals around the planet, some experts are questioning why no-one knows where gaddafi is. Come on guys, get real, he doesn't know where he is.


Pub Of The Year

A news item this morning tells us which pub is named as the Best In Britain. I didn't know there were any left open. Most of them in Swindon seem to be closing and I hear one Swindon tavern, built 105 years ago, is to be demolished for a frozen food outlet. Sounds like good idea for summer nights out. Maybe not so fun during winter, but at least you won't starve if the snow drifts trap you inside.


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