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Civilisation And Other Problems



A newsletter pushed through my letterbox? That wouldn't be unusual given how keen some local politicians are in making themselves sound useful to the community, but no, this has nothing to do with community politics. The neighbourhood has decided to conduct an archaeological dig behind a nearby street, hoping to find evidence of a long lost alleyway believed to lie beneath weeds, trees, and an extraordinary collection of household waste.


It is fascinating how that alleyway has changed. Back in 2003, I drove a low slung sports car along it (at a crawl mind you. Safety first. Repair bills second). Now it's a meandering cinder path between masses of vegetation that a land rover couldn't tackle. I was even told by the developers of the old college site that no-one knows who the alleyway belongs to anymore. In its current state, it's hard to see why anyone would want it.


I wonder what they'll find? A lost cat perhaps? A stolen white Eunos cabriolet? Japanese soldiers refusing to believe the war is over? Indiana Jones and the Alleyway of Doom? An atttactive gun-totin' young woman of impeccable breeding occupied with infiltrating a long lost atlantean colony? Who knows?


Maybe it won't save the world from disaster, but nice to see the local community getting together and doing something about the fall of western civilisation in our neighbourhood.


The Race Isn't Over

A russian physicist in Manchester UK has just earned himself a Nobel Prize by creating Graphene, a sheet of carbon so thin that one gram of the material would cover several footbal ptitches. Who would have imagined such space age materials were possible?


No. I don't know what it's good for either, but apparently the western military do. In the race to re-stabilise the power balance with China's ever growing armed forces, we're going to cover their football pitches in carbon. I notice the Chinese have gotten wise to that and complained about the west's master plan for military superiority. They're getting the moon to themselves right now, what else do they want?


Song of the Week

Saturday night and first on the radio's classic rock show is Status Quo and their hit single Rockin' All Over The World. How does anyone escape from that song? It just follows you around and refuses to die.


Way back when I had just left school I formed a band with a bunch of mates to play a charity gig with lots other no-hopers. As it happens the event went down quite well. Sadly we didn't win the prize for the Best Band of the night. That went to a punk band who won on the basis of being the only act to perform a drum solo. They also had the sheer gall to criticise my choice of drumkit. Talk about rubbing it in. On the plus side we won the prize for the Best Instrumental Track. However the judges quite rightly refused to acknowledge the existence of our cover of Rockin' All Over The World and so the world was saved.


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