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Worser And Worser



At first glance you would think this was a summers day, The sky is blue, the sun is shining. It just doesn't feel warm though. There's an uncomfortable chill in the air which is quite unseasonal. Of course this good weather only arrived earlier, as I notice the ground was damp from overnight rain.


There are of course other things putting a damper on todays fine weather. You might describe it as doom and gloom, at least potentially. Firstly there's an increase in energy bills coming our way again, just in time for winter. Hot water is becoming something of a luxury for me. Might have to invest in some thermals. But it won't make any difference because the gas company will still charge me nearly as much claiming it's the fee they require for ensuring the gas is connected.


And it gets worse. Now the government are seeking savings from councils, probably to pay for the policemen they can't make redundant after those riots caused a political furore, which means that like around 16,000 other recipients of Council Tax Benefit, I might be facing extra bills this year. If the rioters or burglars don't get you, the council will.


With a bit of luck I'll have enough left to eat. I've been living on sandwiches this past week as it is. Oh yeah... I forgot... Food prices are rising.


Think About It

I see IBM are claiming they've invented a computer chip that learns for itself. That's just great. Next year all cars will be fitted with back seat drivers that really will know better than you. And instead of just not doing what you want in dumb insolence, your desktop computer will be able to tell you what an ignoramus you are. I can't even begin to tell you what I think those 'android' powered smart phones will be capable of.


As an advance in technology it is fantastic. But, inexorably, we human beings strive to prove that science fiction was right all along. You don't believe me? Think about it. A machine does what we design or program it to do.


Doom And Gloom of the Week

Of course if I get a job all my prayers will be answered. That's what they tell me, though I do wonder if I might find my bills increase as well as my earnings. No matter, the government want me to work for a living so once again I trawl through the vacancy lists for something to get rejected for.


"We found this vacancy for you" My advisor told me, shoving a piece of paper under my nose that has no contact information on it whatsoever. "Can you do that job?"


What? Manual labour in a warehouse? Good grief I've had seventeen years of warehousing ranging from sweeping the floors to running the premises. I think I can manage a few more years of it. Hardly a challenge there.


Well, I got the reply from the recruitment agency the other day. Not enough experience.


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