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Cry Havoc And Let Slip The Great Unwashed



If it wasn't for the television news, I wouldn't know that riots had happened in London or anywhere else. Since the violence began it's been something contained in a little box, something I only witness from the comfort of my sofa. I thought nothing of taking a stroll through town yesterday afternoon. I mean, riots always happen to other people, don't they?


I have to say it was a lovely day. Sunshine, a cool breeze, people wandering with all the time in the world. Yet something was a little odd. Couldn't put my finger on it. Just an odd atmosphere.


My curiosity was soon answered. By coincidence I bumped into DW, our intrepid reporter for online news, and he clued me in. Shops were ready for trouble with shutters half closed. Apparently. Policemen were crowding into the town centre, here, thee, and everywhere. Undercover cops I take it? I only spotted three uniforms, all sat enjoying the sunshine at Wharf Green.


In all seriousness that pervading mood was wariness. Some displayed it more than others, but I realised there was a town full of shoppers wondering if a riot was going to break out in Swindon. Of course I never saw any trouble. That only happens on television, doesn't it?


Oh No You Don't!

We know things are serious when we see reports of vigilante's on british streets. That's an ugly development. Traditionally the police don't like citizens taking justice into their own hands, for good reason, but given something like 800 rioters have been arrested so far it will be interesting to see whether the outraged citizens trying to protect homes and businesses get treated with the usuall firm hand.


What bothers is the lack of robust action from the police during the riots themselves. The main reason vigilabte's are gathering is simply because of that. Even some organisations like the English Defence League are jumping on the vigilante bandwagon, and I notice the police are claiming that they have a political mandate to get tough.A suspicious mind might wonder if someone is hoping to achieve a political advantage from not ordering a police reaction amid calls for another look at cuts in police numbers. Sounds shocking doesn't it?


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