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109,7 kilograms = 241,847102 pounds



...so i finally broke through the 110 kg barrier, phew, lot of sweating involved. Since my personal training session, i also noticed that i am a weakling, almost everyone seems to be able to lift twice as heavy weights then me, but i work on it..., so next stop is then breaking through the 240 pound barrier, i keep you posted....

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I hate weight training and wish I could find a hobby that accomplished the same. But a series of wellness lectures by some phd made the claim that toning up your muscles has amazing benefits in increasing your resting state metabolism. They claim that the majority of your energy expenditure come from hours of resting state, so basically you can diet less by suffering thru brief gym episodes. Also said strength leads to better health even if you stay heavy (for one of the major killers like heart disease?).

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