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Making Problems Go Away



Phone hacking is the big news story right now. Frankly I've had enough of these reports. Yes, it is scandalous, and has already shut down a national newspaper, but I seriously don't believe Gordon Brown said anything remotely of interest to the general public no matter how the journalists tried to word it.


The truth of this ongoing scandal is the realisation that Rupert Murdoch owns too big a slice of british media and those who want that issue addressed are making sure it is. Even this morning I heard someone being interviewed telling us that this is a 'wake-up call to politicians'. In an ideal world perhaps, but my feeling that this is merely another embarrasement for MP's and they'll deal with it the same way as every similar situation. Make a lot of speeches, suppress problem below the level of public scrutiny, and find a few scapegoats. Oh, and crucify Rupert Murdoch. That'll make the problem go away, won't it?


Can't Get The Staff

In the next interview, they rolled in the Employment Secretary to explain the changing figures. Is it just me or are peole playing with statistics? One moment they're saying unemployment is up, and in the next sentence, they're claiming it's not that bad and in fact figures show unemployment is down. Huh?


Obviously that chap's not going to made a scapegoat is he? He stressed the new Work Programme the government have brought in is providing individually tailored assistance for long term unemployed people. I imagine so. So far for me the Work Programme amounts to having to fill a form in every two weeks. Wow. That helps.


Much more serious effort required to get people back into work say the opposition. Uh oh. I'm in danger of agreeing with a politician. But then, are politicians aware that the bar is rising? So many agencies and employers are asking for higher qualifications and experience than they used to. Just today I had a telephone interview for a job and was asked a number of questions that basically asked "Do I know the jargon?"


It isn't about whether you can actually do a job. It isn't about whether you've done a similar job. It's about whether your face fits. Whether you can speak the lingo. Bosses want to impressed by someone who blinds them with science. Quote enough technical phrases and abbreviations and the job is yours. If not, then you explain why not to your claims advisor. I mean, it's not as if I have an excuse now I'm with the programme, is it?


I swear, if I hear a company boss moaning he can't get the staff, I will fall off my seat laughing.


Urban Fox Update

That urban fox is getting annoying. I'm suprised you lot haven't heard the cacophony it makes. Not only did it unleash hell before midnight, it trotted off down the road and subjected most of Old Town to a rendition of whatever chart hit that was supposed to be. Might have been a Britney Spears track. Not sure.


Those foxes are getting too clever for their own good. Already they've learned to emulate the local drunkards. What are they going to do next? Spray walls and fences with grafitti? Drive hot hatches? Wear baseball caps backwards?


Not one of them attends school regularly. I blame their parents.


Anomaly of the Week

I was watching an advert on television last night. Yes, I know, I'm starting to get desperate for entertainment, but please note that adverts are often more entertaining than the programs they intrude upon. And more memorable.


This particular ad was the 'four musketeers' one for broadband internet. For those who haven't seen it, it recreates the style and appearance of those movies with Oliver Reed and Michael York who spent the entire three hours stabbing people by accident. You know the ones? Anyway, although the action is amusing and well choreographed, it raises an unusual anomaly.


If these guys are supposed to be musketeers, why are they fighting almost exclusively with swords?


Sigh. Yes, I suppose other people have thought of that one too. Great minds think alike.


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