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Things Are Better Now....



well tafe is working out really well... i have made heaps of friends to my suprisement. i learnt greatly to also never judge someone by the way the look. like this "gangsta" guy i meet ended up being really cool and nice, and like this really "nerdy" guy ended up being the funniest person i had ever meet in my life.


so things are looking alot better.


i also found out though recently that a really close friend of mine went through a depressed stage about two years ago like myself. if you are wondering why i was depressed here it is... oh by the way this happened all in 3 days...


1) my parents split up


2) my family found out we lost our house which was going to be our inheritance due to family conspiracies....i dunno jsut that one side of the family wanted it all for themselves...so my mother was incredibly depressed


3) we found out my bro was smoking weed....although i guess in america it isnt so bad...in my family it was.


4) my best friend utterly betrayed me...plus i was getting constantly harassed by my once good friends..


there were a few other things but i dont really want to talk about it right now..



anyway thats my day and my 'depression' story


anyway cya



p.s i forgot to include that there were many days that i was on the verge of slitting my wrists... i know some of you would call me a coward..and a massive whinger but i dont care...


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hmm, what is tafe?



hm its hard to explain but tafe is an alternative to school.. like drop outs and stuff can finish it there. Its a more adult enviornment and better then the catholic high school i went to.


so ihjope i have answered your question. if you dont get it just assume its a high school basically the same thing anyway

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