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My Troubles With The Goths

Sextus Roscius


Goths, we all know the general style, dyed hair, dressed in all black all the time, strange religions that seem to encourage depression (such as wiccan, etc) and general glumness.


Oh all things, of all peoples, of all sub-cultures, I hate this group the most. The reason, simple, it takes people with good prospects for life and who are inteligent, and turns them into depressed, poor-preforming, unsocial members (or outcast depending on your view) of society. The problem, is that these people are going no where, and there is no laws that stop them from doing so. Unlike Gangsters and their lot, who tend to be going backwards till they hit jail and then that solves things often times, goths and the sub-culture (on the large majority) don't go anywhere, they neither advance themselves, yet they don't fall back.


This leads to depression, which is a result of many converging forces, a number of them their fault, others not so. This depression becomes all consuming, and when one is depressed, they become more of a goth, and the cycle continues with a black hole into deeper and deeper areas of sadness, until one day they kill themselves. This cycle is breakable, but sometimes it is too late to undo the negative effects being a goth has had on their life. To add matters worse, wiccan (as an example of a religion) is very supressing, in the belief that all humans are mere ripples in a river of life (which I think is totaly poppycock) which is obviously a mental deterant.


All in all, I hate the gothic sub-culture, becuase it largely leads its members towards oblivion. I've seen the effects first hand on friends of mine, and it is a sad fall which ends up in not very pretty places...so I hate it, the idea of the sub-culture is useless and a demeanor to society, nothing more, and it is impossible to be less...


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Well you got the extreme Goths, now that's the group to terminate. But now you got the Goths who are 'your'(and mines) friends. They just like to dress and act a little to help separate themselves and have an identity denied by others when they tried. So remember to distinguish about who is who deep down.

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I venture to say from the Gothish folks I have known that there are probably other family & sociological issues causing depression and anti-social behavior. Becoming a 'Goth' is just a way of socially expressing the angst.

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When it comes to some of them, that is who they are deep down. For me, when it comes deep down to it, I think it says a ton about a person, its obvious that they chose that path (which is half a cowards way our in my opinion) and that tells me alot about that person. It tell you that they are the type of person, that choseto put themselves down, rather than try to elevate themselves.


Sorry, I have no respect for that, or some one who would submit themselves to that, there is no good reason.


These are the people I'm refering to when I say I hate goths, my opinions are mingled dependong the exact situation though.

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Just remember that "Wicca" does not encourage depression, in it's true form it is a true religion which has greatly improved the lives of many of it's practitioners. Of course there are many who practice something they call Wicca but which really, is not and gives a bad name to all Wiccans.

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