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111.8 kilograms = 246.476809 pounds



...my road to loose weight will take much longer than i anticipated, however i make it as pleasant as possible and try to make lifestyle changes rather than just a diet and some workout. I started to read up allot on paleo and primal diet, (very low carb, lots of protein and fat), so if you are a vegetarian, this is defenitely not for you...


As with many things in live i rather aproach this with a relaxed attitude and small things can make a difference already. For example I knew one of my problems where my excessive coffee intace (caffeine stimulates insuline production), so i reduced it now to 2 cups in the morning and 2 cups in the afternoon (thats 50% less, so you see there was something i had to work on), of course i dont sweeten the coffee either, but with the spirit of primal eating i use full cream instead of milk (low fat is a total no go for primal eating).


I must say although i am far away from being primal, i do feel already much more energized, i am stronger, healthier and have more endurance, btw. weight is now at 111.8 kilograms = 246.476809 pounds which is compared to two months ago 117.2 kg (258,381771 pounds) so in 8 weeks i lost 5,4 kg (11.9049622 pounds) , thats 0.675 kilograms = 1.48812027 pounds per week which is very pleasing as i built muscle as well in that time, and its a rate that is sustainable for the next couple of months...


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