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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums
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112.1 kilograms = 247.138196 pounds - listening to Romans while working out



This is so much harder than i thought, almost a week since my last weight post and i only lost 0.1 kilograms = 0.220462262 pounds, I am not eating particulary much, neither unhealthy, in fact, i eat mostly vegetables and fruits and some meat, the only hope i have is that my muscle building is just as fast than my fat loss, (although i dont really see that in the mirror), i do however feel much more energized.


I finally got my first MP3 player (Ipod Shuffle which is ideal as its extremely small so doesnt bother me when exercising), it gives me the perfect opportunity listening to the Ancient Warfare podcast and to get distracted while working out... Its going to be a much longe ride than i thought but at least its fun while doing it....




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