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Just Another Thursday



Another thursday with a sort of un-thursday feel to it. That about sums the day up. Truth of the matter is I'm struggling to think of something to report, other than this morning was bright and sunny. Oh yes - I walked around the park earlier. Like you do.


Nice Place To Nest

In the middle of the lake is one of those infernal fountains that sprouted in every public park some years ago. Recently a bird had built a nest right next to the sput. Like living next to a waterfall in reverse. Now the fountain has been turned off and the bird can rear it's young without the constant noise and dampness it was tolerating in a desperate bid to find somewhere that those pesky humans wouldn't be able to get at the eggs.


Nonetheless the nest seems vacant and disused, even with the water flow deactivated.



Last night though there was a minor drama. I heard the crunch from upstairs and knew immediately that two motorists had collided. There's a pedestrian crossing outside my home which funnily enough does seem to cause the odd accident or two.


What happened was a car had stopped correctly at the llights. A van pulled out of the side street nearby and while turning left, the driver was looking right to ensure he didn't collide with oncoming traffic. Which he promptly did because he was looking the wrong way.


I Bumped Too

We've all done it. Looked one way and driven in another only to get an unexpected shock. I'll spare you the anecdote of that woman in her green fiat hitting the lampost while parking her car. Think I've written that one up a few times. No, instead I'll be fair, and admit I too have bumped other motorists.


Some people seem to make a habit of doing things like that. For my part, I regard that as poor driving, and in any case I was always taught to keep a good eye out, a policy that prevented me from major accidents over the years.


Back in the days of my bid for rock superstardom, I aso did a spot of van driving now and then to boost my meagre earnings from the music industry. That was a long day. Thirteen hours at the wheel delivering and collecting parcels. On this particular evening, I drove back and off the motorway to head for the depot at Wootton Bassett.


The roundabout was very busy. Naturally, since it was the evening rush hour as I pulled up to the end of the slip raod leading into the junction. The Audi in front of me pulled away into a gap and I wearily began to wait for my chance to weave into the steady flow of cars heading out of Swindon.


Hang on... There's a gap... Yep, that's my chance... So I pulled out only to discover the reason that everyone in the passing cars were staring at me in horror was that the Audi had stopped on the roundabout off to my left, because his gap in the traffic turned out to be more optimistic than mine. Bump.


Well... He broke the mercedes badge on the front of the van I was driving. I put a mercedes shaped dent in the back of his company car and bent the boot lid so he couldn't close it again.


Guilty as charged. Although the audi driver did stop in a stupid place. Well he did.


Here Come The Cops

Two police cars cam round the bottom of the hill just now with lights flashing and sirens blaring. I think after twenty years or more I can afford to relax. It's been long enough for my little accident on junction 16 of the M4 to be forgiven and forgotten.


Now if only they'd arrest the two spotty young loudmouths who declared their intention to break into my home, I could relax even further. Does strike me as a bit odd though. They've made two abortive attempts to break in already and clearly prefer to do so quietly as to avoid, shall we say, imperial entanglements? So why shout threats in the street? I don't get it.


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