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My Site & How The Outage Can Be A Good Thing



So, there really are benefits to be gained during the unfortunate periods when our beloved community falls silent


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Ahh excellent news!


I'm glad to see such a fine subject as beer receiving its just attention. Can I see Pertinax' diligent involvement already as attested by a noticeable increase in blog posts?

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Ahh excellent news!


I'm glad to see such a fine subject as beer receiving its just attention. Can I see Pertinax' diligent involvement already as attested by a noticeable increase in blog posts?


Yep, since Monday Pertinax has submitted three and I have managed 4 (I modified the date stamp on the Stoudts article for some reason)


It's like the sluice opened up...


Thanks for taking a gander P-P

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Good site! (It's very specific!) I'm not sure that I like this subject but I can give some information about history of Russian drinkings lol


Thanks Lacertus!


I know beer's not for everyone, but I wager it is because not everyone has had the right beer! I feel confident that I could match any individual to an ale/beer that they would think divine as long as I understood their tastes. ;)


I have had a couple of Russian beers but rest assured when it comes time to right an article or two on Russian products I'll come to you for some help.

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