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Time Gentlemen, Please!



Ah yes... The scene in Douglas Adams Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy where Ford Prefect entices Arthur Dent away from saving his cottage from demolition and down to the local pub for an emergency last beverage before stowing away on a passing Vogon Destructor Fleet.


For those of you who haven't read my last entry (shame on you), May 21st is Vogon Demolition Day. That's today. yes, it's the end of the world. So I recommend everyone pops down the pub and thumbs for a lift from any UFO's in the neighbourhood. Douglas Adams instructions for survivng the end of the world are quite clear on the procedure.


Mind you, if you haven't made friends with that annoying wierdo over the last few years don't blame me if you can't find a seat to another planet. On the down side, it is a saturday, so getting to the bar might be difficult if you leave it to the last minute. Don't worry about your home. If the Vogons don't obliterate it I'm sure some natural disaster will while you're out, and I do see their are people taking this warning seriously by quitting their jobs in expectation of the final day.


Quite a nice for it, really...


It Is Written

It's kind of funny how people so easily believe things. Like hordes of Americans fleeing to the hiolls in 1938 because Orson Wells broadcast a version of War of the Worlds on radio.


There are people who believe Dan Browns books are documentaries about real life. Or that a fictional prop is actually the Cup of the Last Supper. Or that Hitler is still alive in Argentina. Or that the CIA are responsible for world terrorism. Or that modern hatchbacks are fun to drive.


We believe these things because we're easily fooled. Not me of course. I'm much more sensible. So if you'll excuse me, I want to get revenge on the world by finding Saurons One Ring from the bottom of the River Danube.


No really. Tolkien based his stories on real life history. No , he did... He really did...


Mind you, given today is Big Earthquake Day (boy, am I going to look dumb if it actually is!), I think I'd better not delay. See you later, hapless minions...


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