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Candle In The Wind



Mothers' Day. This was supposed to be a glorious day. Even though the wind has been howling since last night, the predicted showers stayed away from the City By The Bay. On my way to the Giants' game, I met a gentleman at the train station...a new friend, for now, but who knows. He invited me to join him for breakfast with his friends before the game. After a spirited and gregarious meal with my new friends, I met up with my parents in our seats, and we watched the Giants' new (yet old) pitcher take a no-hitter into the 5th, and ultimately sweep the Rockies. Although I missed my new friend--he ended up taking the train that left right as I got at the station--I still felt ok.


Earlier in the day I noted that a mutual friend was sending condolences to Julia, a former high school and college classmate...but it was so vague that I didn't know what had happened. So as my train was pulling from the station, I went onto Facebook...and noticed that Julia posted a news article about an event.


On the surface, it is tragic...an 18-year old kid killed in a car accident. Seemingly, he slammed into a tree, probably at high speed, given the horrific nature of the evidence. Anyone would read that, note that the date is the Saturday of Mothers' Day weekend, and be struck by the irony, that the extinguishing of a life on this weekend is even more tragic.



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We see so much crime, violence, and misry on television. War, accidents, and greedy politicians. Yet only when we actually know someone involved does it mean anything.

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