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Someone Got Married Yesterday



Friday was a quiet unassuming sort of day. Not really suprising since the bulk of the population were either glued to their television sets or heading for the hills in a desperate attempt to avoid watching yet another wedding video. So we had a sort of hazy murky day that never quite made up its mind what it wanted to do about Britains latest extravanganza.




Ricky Is At It Again

I see Ricky gervais has been giving us all the benefit of his well paid opinion. I shouldn't really criticise, I do exactly the same on this blog (although I get paid somewhat less). Still, at least he gets his picture in the news again. That way we won't forget who he is.


I wonder if Mr Gervais will televise his wedding and get tons of people to line London streets waiting for him to roll past on an expensive carriage to generous applause? No? Perhaps his weeding video wasn't all that impressive then?


At The Supermarket

The lady paying for her shopping at the local supermarket noted that it was all over. The royal couple were hitched already. Sigh of relief. Is it safe to back to the television screen now?


"Oh no" She advised me, "You'll be getting that all day."



This computer is slow. I mean, archaeologically slow. Every screen update comes with a birthday greeting. Why is the internet so slow? Let me guess. People are sharing wedding videos.


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