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Here Comes Peter Cottontail



Easter is a time of year when families comes together to eat. At least, that's what I always figured. I mean, we woke up to chocolate in the shape of gold coins, little egg-shaped chocolates, and other surprises that the Easter Bunny would leave for us while we slept. After going to Mass (perhaps the only time we went to Mass on Sunday instead of Saturday evening) when we actually had to wear really, really good clothes, we'd pose for pictures in the garden before a big brunch. Oh, and magically the Easter Bunny would pass by a second time while we were at Church, because there would be eggs strewn all over the garden and we'd all have chocolates in egg form from the local chocolatier. After goofing off all afternoon, there'd be some sort of dinner with many members of the Italian-side of the family, with a full multi-course Italian meal: appetizers, antipasto, pasta, and the entr


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I'm not sure many of the Brits are that bothered about the Royal Wedding/Family either. The nation's attitude seems to be summed up in one commerative plate that said, "Thanks for the day off".


Still, the Brits who ARE that bothered about the Royal Wedding/Family do seem to redress the balance by being VERY bothered about the lives of their overlords.


Just for the record, I fall fairly and squarely into the 'not really bothered one way or the other' camp.

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I think that's the problem...when we're little girls, all of us around the world wanted to be princesses of some kind or other. Most of us grow up and realize that being the queen of our little corner of the world (even if it's just my apartment, so to speak) is fine enough. But I think that explains the entire wedding industry, at least here in the States (and, I suspect, much of the world)...it's our day to be a princess. Meh...no thanks. I'm already the benign dictator of my classrooms, and the mistress of my cat (or so I think)...hell, my name means 'princess'...what more do I want? :D

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Now if you had a dog, you would undoubdtedly we its mistress. A cat? I'm not so sure. If you're, for example, putting up a shelf, your dog would be looking at you thinking, "I love you. I don't know what you're doing, but whatever it is, I love you." Whereas your cat would be looking at you and thinking, "you should be using #4 rawl plugs for that job. That won't stay up for two minutes!"

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LOL Too true, GoC! Yesterday I woke up extremely early to get the bread baked for the Easter picnic, knowing full well that I'd be taking naps while the dough went through it's various proofs. My cat was questioning my moves the entire morning, including the fact that she wouldn't curl up with me on the floor while I took my first nap. She expected me to play, naturally.

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In all honesty I'm not really that bothered about the Royal wedding either, what I am bothered about though is the day off work and the street party that we are having. It's a good excuse to get all the neighbours out and have a good drink and party! Just hope the good old British weather holds out or the day could end up being a complete wash out!!


Re the NHL play offs, this could well be the Sharks year Doc! Your boys have a really good chance of making the final this year, especially if the Blackhawks do the unthinkable and come back from 3 down against the Canucks who lets be honest were looking pretty much unstoppable until recently.





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Apparently the americans are so unbothered about the royal wedding they've produce a 'made for tv' film about the romance leading up to it. Naturally it bears no resemblance to anything remotely like real life. Since when was Hollywood bothered about reality? :D

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In Romania the Easter is at midnight when most people go to church to light candles and bring them home. Many go to pubs/clubs/parties after midnight, so the city is very alive all night with people going around with lit candles. Another tradition is to tap decorated eggs. The bunny started to become part of the holiday only in the last years and mostly as chocolate. The ears are truly the best part.

It is funny that our media pays attention to the royal wedding. After all we have our own dynasty we don't care about.

They expect 2 billion people to watch the wedding. This points to a Princess Syndrome on a massive scale and it affects also lots of man. Or boys have the Charming Prince syndrome?

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You can add me to the British camp of 'who cares a fig about any wedding that isn't their own or close family or friends these days?'


If a couple wish to get married or simply live together then all well and good - just don't expect me to attend or care if they aren't in the above category.


As to street parties - anyone trying to hold one outside my house is not going to go down too well if I want in or out of my drive. :hammer:


Mind you they are liable to find themselves in a whole heap of trouble anyway, despite our numbskull leader plans about letting anyone who wants to hold street parties, as they would need to close a main through road. :clapping:

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Kosmo, that would be a great tradition! I'd love to do something like that! (And Melvadius, don't be such a crotchety crankypants...relax, enjoy, and have one on me)


Last night I was watching BBC America, and evidently they're going to show everything live, starting at 3am Eastern time. Holy cripes...first, that's noteworthy simply because BBCA is showing something live...that never happens. But that means that things start here in sunny California at midnight...nope, I can think of a myriad of other things I'd like to watch Friday night at midnight.

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Crotchety moi? I don't even do needle point :lol:


Like I indicated already anyone who wants to can go and enjoy themselves anyway they like.


I just wish the entire media circus blindly following the lead of our current PM didn't expect everyone to be salivating about it. :rolleyes:

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Ursus, that article reminds me of others that I have read over the years, that many Brits are kind of tired of the royal family's not-so-newsworthy status.


Melvadius...cha, dude...everyone must know what the PM is wearing! It's totally news, bro! :lol:

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Yeah, that makes me nervous, GPM. I mean, we've beaten Detroit in the past, and we can do it again, but they are so incredibly tough. I think on Friday night I'll watch the game at one of my favorite breweries/restaurants in San Jose (Gordon Biersch), just to take it all in. :D

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A wise choice Doc, a few beers always helps to relieve the tension don't you think??B)


I'll be recording the game as it'll be on at about 3am over here and I'll be tucked up in bed in a drunken royal wedding stupour by then, ( any excuse for a party eh!!) I'll have my fingers crossed for the Sharks though!!

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