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Temperature And Tempers



Mid morning and it's already very, very warm. A couple of years ago we were coping with snow at this time of year. As I strolled past the newsagent at the bottom of the hill the headline boldly displayed on a tabloid was Hottest Easter For 100 Years. Did I really need to buy a newspaper to tell me that?


It gets better. Last night I saw a smog warning. Smog? I though that was banned by british law. The Clean Air Act of Before I Was Born. Now they're trying to tell us not to use our cars for short journeys because it makes the smog worse if we do. Why do they bother? We're already paying more for petrol than ever before.


Lights Out

It seems the american press are getting a little short tempered with us brits right now (Come on guys, chill, it's the weather) because Buckingham Palace isn't keeping the lights on at night so their camera crews can take nice shots of it for their daytime tv news.


Obviously the palace is in demand because there's going to be a wedding (in case you hadn't heard) but for crying out loud chaps - Have you any idea how expensive energy costs are in Britain these days? What's the use of security forces buying lots of night vision cameras to protect the royal family if they leave the lights on? Come back when it's daytime. You'll see double decker buses, black taxi's, and lots of soldiers in red uniforms. You'll love it.


Shouting Match

Quite an argument broke out last night among yobboes meandering home after a good days alcohol fuelled football song contest. DONG!... The unmistakable sound of something hitting iron railings. Well, I suppose they were bound to collide with something eventually. At least the shouting stopped.


Have I Outstayed My Welcome?

"You've got enough downloads by now" The frustrated librarian hissed at me as I searched for more and more interesting items to enjoy. Sadly my addiction for downloading means that the librarian has to check them all for pornography and political un-correctness.


Oooh look at this... A website about railways in Mongolia. Lotsa stuff to download too. Was that a groan I just heard from the man on the helpdesk? Heh heh heh.....


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