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Parking Butts, Cars And Dogs



All of a sudden my car is desirable. In the last four weeks I've had four people knocking on the door asking if I'm willing to sell it. Not, as you might imagine, young tearaways out to secure the chance of impressing their mates with sporty japanese road-going hardware, but office girls, up and coming managers, and old chaps looking for the project to keep them busy until that final heart attack.


But why my car? To look at ithe vehicle askance it's nothing special. Okay, it's got a neat body kit that offsets the effete styling of the original Eunos, but the car is grimy,unloved, missing a steering wheel, lacking the drivers side window, seats that are currently decomposing, and a softtop renovated by Jack the Ripper. Why is everyone interested all of a sudden?


Meanwhile, Back At The Park

It was a nice day yesterday so after finishing my daily business I decided to enjoy a spot of sunshine in the local park. Other people usually get the same idea by the afternoon so I wasn't suprised to see a bunch of guys lounging around on the row of benches looking out across the lake. As people they were the usual collection of working class, and unremarkable. The two dogs with them however were another matter.


Both were, as you might expect, thick set mongrels with short legs and powerful shoulders, broad flattened snouts, and sleek short fur. Rover was a black dog. Fido was white. In fact, Fido was a feisty playful animal that wanted everyone to know what a brilliant wooden branch he'd discovered. Just don't touch, okay? Unless you mean to throw it back in the lake in which case....


There he goes again. Despite the amused owner trying his best to stop his dog retrieving what was a minor tree trunk in its own right from the lake, the dog insisted on mounting a major expedition to haul it back to shore, and having done that, dragged it into the bushes. I could hear snarls and crunching noises as the bushes quivered occaisionally.


Rover wanted to join in. Clearly this game looked like fun. Sadly Fido was in no mood to share his treasured branch. Fido snarled, Rover barked, and they both decided to not play any more. Luckily the owners were experienced in the handling of their dogs and called them both away, leaving the branch to rot gently in peace and quiet. A happy ending to todays Story From The Park.


Permanently Parked Too

Can you believe it? For the last two or three years there's a bloke in an anonymous grey saloon who's been parking at the back of the old college site. he's alway's there, doing nothing but sat at the wheel with his engine running. How does his car never run out of petrol?


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