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A New Day, A New Role



For some strange reason I woke bright and early this morning. For a reason probably easier to understand I wobbled dangerously as I overconfidently got out of bed. Oh well, start as you mean to continue.


As usual I made a brief glance out the window to check what sort of weather awaits me today. The horizon was buried under thick grey clag, a sort of dark fog, and at first sight it looked as if I was expecting a very damp morning.


By the time i was washed, dressed, and ready to take on the world outside my front door, the sky was an almost clear blue. Is this the same day? You'd hardly know.


Meanwhile, Back At The Library

My first stop today was another interwebbing session on the library computers. Nothing much to report except the presence of Mr Fidget, who seems to have an uncanny ability to find a vacant computer next to mine.


Normally he's the most irrating person to be sat next to, but when the town hall clock struck eleven, he clasped his hands to his ears and remained motionless for nearly a whole minute.


That gives me a great idea. Who do I see to have the bells ring out every minute? I know, I'll look it up on the internet....


Darn. Can't find anything except everyone elses town hall bells and a great many local pubs. Obviously Swindon's bells are covered by the Official Secrets Act. Maybe I could apply to be Swindons bell-ringer? All I need is to develop a hunched back and sweep Esmerelda off her feet. How hard can that be?


Meanwhile, Back At The programme Centre

My advisor at the programme centre asked me how I was getting on with my job search. Not too bad as it happens, although today I had to wade through an online application form and they're never quick.


Whatever hapened to lightning fast information technology? Typing answers into boxes that contain enough space for six keypresses is not my idea of fun. You have to reformat the whole thing as you go, and as the orignal email tells me, I have to do this today or fail to meet the dealine. How about that for working under pressure?


"Have you had any accidents today?" He asked me some anticipation. No, sorry, I've taken the day off regarding accidents.


"I imagine so," He agreed, "Since I so cruelly mocked your efforts at negotiating the pavement".


Yeah you did, didn't you! I suppose that was some psychological technique aimed at developing my sense of self-worth and creating a robust personality ready to take on the disappointments of seeking employment in a cut-throat enviroment, but in all honesty, it didn't work.


He laughed nonetheless.


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