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Sarcasm and Donkeys



Now this is a much warmer day. After a thirty minute walk to the programme centre I was sweating.


"Lovely day isn't it?" Said the young lady on the front desk. How she noticed that buried inside her air conditioned laminated trench is a mystery to me. Oh look, now I'm getting sweat all over the floor...


My mentor popped into the foyer to collect me with her usual polite cheeriness. She also mentioned what a nice day it was, and obviously concerned at my sweaty face enquired whether I had walked. Oh yes, I replied, I always walk. I can't afford a helicopter.


That raised some chuckles from the unemployed lads waiting in the office. Sadly I couldn't entertain them further because their tutor was about to give them a lecture on choosing what to do with their lives. Pointing at the bit on the application form where I wrote about how experienced I was my mentor said "You should put 'sarcasm' as one of your skills."


Touch?. I have mastered the lowest form of skill.


Learn To Enjoy Haircuts

The gentleman who has had his hair cut without his consent has made it clear to the job centre how he feels about it. So they offered to put him in front of a psychiatrist so he could learn to like it.


I wonder if the politicians who enacted todays changes in benefits rules know exactly what goes on in job centres?


Gag of the Week

Most of the jokes you get on the internet are pretty terrible. Like mine for instance. But one of the shaven heads at the programme centre found this one while he searched the world wide web for a job.


What do you call a donkey with three legs?


A Wonkey.


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