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Fashion And Fortune



There are certain things in life that you know aren't entirely sincere but you do them all the same, such as buying cars, watching party political broadcasts, going to church, or reading horoscopes. Sometimes you just can't help yourself.


I glanced at my horoscope this morning and this is what I read...


Have you been thinking about writing an article of some sort, perhaps involving travel or a fascinating new field? If so, Libra, you might want to start it today. Your creative juices are flowing freely, your mind is especially sharp, your energy is high, and insights should be popping into your head one after the other. Sit down in front of that computer and get going! Don't let today's energies pass you by.


Well... I was thinking about what to write in todays blog entry, so I suppose that sort of counts. Not sure about creative juices - don't have anything like that in my fridge - and as for being especially sharp and energetic, this morning I feel half comatosed and I'd like to thank a certain skeletal blonde lady for creasing up laughing as I stumbled past her.


Spontaneous appraisals often reveal what politeness hides. What a nice lady. In fact, I feel I should return the favour, so would that helpful young woman please go and eat something before she encounters a crack in the pavement and mysteriously disappears?


Invite of the Week

How about this? I've been invited to a dinner at the Grosvenor Hotel in London. No, really, there's some obscure business organisation who thinks I'd be remotely interested in spending a rather expensive evening in our capital city listening to guest speakers extolling the virtues of retail and supply qualification.


On the other hand, I could simply stay at home and listen to guest speakers extolling the lack of fashion sense in local residents... Decision, decisions.... Can't decide which is more exciting... Oh curse my ill fortune for being born a libran!


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