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Man's Best Whatever



Nearly lunchtime and I nearly forgot I was supposed to be at the programme centre for a one to one session on how to apply for vacancies. You'd think that after three years of job searching I'd have learned some employment skills, but the government assume you're a dunce and teach you anyway.


Oh well, here goes. As it happens I now have a mentor. A bit like Yoda, but taller, female, and not quite as green. A 'Yodess' in other words. I like they way she stares silently in disapproval whenever I type something she doesn't like.... You don't like it, do you?.... Okay, I'll change it...


Mans Best Friend

On my way to the programme centre I stopped for a moment to check out the magazines at one our foremost high street retailers. An old black labrador had been tied up to a bench on the pedestrianised street outside, but somehow slipped its moorings. The dog slowly padded toward the shop and stood in the entrance, patiently waiting for his master to reappear, staring up at pasers-by to see if he recognised them, twitching his nose to check the scent.


For some reason the staff didn't shoo the dog away. It was still there when I left, waiting patiently for master. Awww....


Mans Best Film

What do I hear on the media grapevine? Not only is Arnold Schwarzenneger going back to making action movies, he's possibly planning on remaking some of his older hit films. Isn't that a little bizarre? I know Hollywood likes to recycle the same old plot over and over, but the same old film? What's he going to fight the Predator with this time? A zimmer frame?


At the other end of the scale, I was enthralled earlier today to see a photograph of San Francsico taken the year after the aerthquake in 1906. In colour. Apparently the photographer, who was better known for inventing the half-tone printing process, was experimenting with colour 3D imaging way back before the Great War. The image I saw was therefore a composite, but what a sight! I almost thought olden days were in grim old black-n-white! What a shock to see genuine colour rather than the clever but possibly suspect modern recolourings.


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