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My Birthday And Stuff...

FLavius Valerius Constantinus


Oh its that damn time of the year again when you've just found out, crap, I just wasted a year of life and don't really want to go further in age(Imma also feel horrible with all these tests too). So it as with me tomorrow, I wish I was fifteen again. But then again, it's not so bad since turning 16, that can only mean a drivers license. Only thing I can wish is for an Xbox 360, a girlfriend, grow 6 inches taller(I'm only 5'8), and do really well in the upcoming lacrosse season.


About lacrosse, turns out our JV team just got even smaller. Barely anyone but 3 went up to varsity, but the problem is we barely have any defenders left except for just a bunch of middies and attacks. But then theres surprising a huge@// freshmen team, I suppose only the best freshmen gets moved up, that is defending. Surprisingly for myself I'm only 5'8 yet I'm a longstick middie(amazingly fun position).


As for school, I've been turning into relatively a major smart@// in literal sense. However, I'm still one of the cool people or popular whatever you call it. At my school, people are pretty nice unlike public schools who have an actually social system with the nerds, jocks... At my school, half the jocks are the smart people(including me) while the nerds(well the smart people) are actually cool people and they're usually thespians...Rather complicated high school is ain't it...


Also upcoming is probably the last Certamen. Its a sectional competition between schools as to who is the best Latin team. For some reason my team always comes in second because the school in first place is an extreme magnet school, which means they are full of the weirdest but smartest kids ever. The school is called Northside Prep they are from, but no offense, these kids are the weirdass types who bullies would have fun with. Even their image and presentation (clothes, untidy hair, unshavened) gives further support. Oh another major reason, the damn N-side bunch all have more than 4 years(or 8 years) of Latin because they learned in grade school. As for me and my friends(team) most of us didn't start Latin until when we first started freshmen year. So you can see it is a huge mismatch, butnevertheless, we always come in second place and we also manage to always come close to beating them. [sORRY IF I OFFENDED ANYONE, JUST VENTING FRUSTRATION AT THE INURIAS.


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Ah, Happy Birthday Flavius my Friend. I wish you luck with getting what ever it is that you want for your birthday, and I'm sure you'll get a girlfriend at some point or another (though i still fail to get one). Also, I'll drill you on latin as much as I can (not too much but non the less) and with you on the team, your team will be first for sure, since besides sergio, you're the best I know on UNRV.


Also, perhaps we can work something up for you on UNRV...

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No problem Flavius, we're from the same generation, I know to an extent what you're talking about. Just I'm stuck with the traditional School hierarchy, in that aspect you're lucky

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Happy Birthday Flavius!


No problem Flavius, we're from the same generation, I know to an extent what you're talking about. Just I'm stuck with the traditional School hierarchy, in that aspect you're lucky


And guys, trust me, things weren't that different in the grand scheme of things when I was that age... ;)

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Happy birthday! Oh, and if I were you I would not worry too much about the latin competition..your latin is excellent considering your age and your mother language ;)

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