So good they named it twice

I'm not even going to begin to suggest that this blog is twice-fortnightly anymore. Everything in life starts with enthusiasm, but soon becomes the norm, and then turns into a chore.
Anyway, three things need to be reported on. Firstly there's my recent annual skiing holiday to Avoriaz in France. Non-skiers will not be interested. If any loyal followers to this blog are skiers, they're welcome to comment/contact me and I can tell them all about Avoriaz, snow conditions, ice conditions, cloud conditions, mountain restaurant conditions, ski-to-your-door, ski-from-your-door, hourly uplift capacity, and all the things that skiers seem interested in.
Next, one of our Hadrian's Wall tours was cancelled this year, leaving me with a gap in my schedule. My company (which from now on I shall refer to by the alias 'Hiking Hols-R-Us') came back with an offer for a tour that was somewhat of a departure (scuse the pun) from my previous guiding experience. A sightseeing tour of New York city! Wow! Other than having to squeeze my over-long and over-wide carcass into an aircraft seat for God-knows how many hours, I seem to have fallen on my feet there. Big Apple here I come.
Lastly, to counteract the Yin of the above, the cosmos has delivered upon the OfClayton household a mighty dollop of Yang. Mrs OfClayton works at a 6th Form College that announced redundancies yesterday. Names are yet to be named, but they do know that, out of the two people in her department, they will lose one! I'm sure I don't need to tell any of you what a blow this has been.
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