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Never Work With Kids



Who remembers Newsround? It's a daily news program for kids that's been around since I was old enough to understand what a news program was. Back in those days the stalwart John Craven, now more usually associated with Countryfile, was the anchorman and roving reporter.


I met him once at a school near Bristol where some community thing was going on. The RAF had brought in a rescue helicopter to show off to visitors, and the Duke of Edinburgh was scheduled to visit that afternoon.


We spoke to Mr Craven briefly, as I remember he asked us what the helicopter was called. If anyone should know, it's a bunch of teenagers in uniform. Later we discovered the extraordinary truth that the Duke of Edinburgh not only had a sense of humour, but also watched television. Never again will I see the royal family the same way.


Today I bumped into Newsround again. I was called into the museum early because a camera crew were dropping in to report on the release of the new Nintendo 3DS. Yes, children, it's real. Quite astonishing what the company have achieved but I'll leave it to you and your strapped-for-cash parents to discover the pro's and con's of it all.


It was interesting to see how they conducted the filming. A bunch of kids were roped in to try the new gizmo out - though I'm afraid you will have to watch the report on television because Auntie Beeb will have me publicly flogged if I say too much. In fact, the kids were complete and utter stars. They remained patient and coped with the excitement of this new experience like they were born to it. Who says you should never work with kids?


Confessions of a Grown Up Kid

I tried a Wii today also. Never before have I enjoyed a game of golf. In fact, I've played golf around the world. No, really, I once did nine holes in New Zealand. Eventually.


By The Way...

Our boss at the museum likes his game consoles. He was, probably, the man most qualified to be interviewed.. Oh hang on... I see him smiling in front of the camera as he tries out the new ground-breaking never-before-seen multidimensional Nintendo wotsit. Quiet please, everyone... Let's go for another take...


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