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A couple of days ago I walked through the town centre. A street preacher was haranguing passers by with a disjointed sermon, triplets of words bellowed at the top of his voice as he sought someones attention, anyones attention.


"It's your choice!" He proclaimed, "You can choose!"


We certainly can, mate. We certainly can. We exercised our right and carried on about our lawful business. Except there are some people who are not permitted the same rights. They are not allowed to choose.


There is of course a certain gentleman whose choice has been denied. He knows full well his hair is being cut against his wishes, by people who prefer not to reveal themselves. If this man cannot choose his own style and length of hair, what is he?


I have no doubt the perpetrators feel good about themselves for what they've done. Human beings enjoy inflicting harm or their will upon others - they always have - and any excuse will do. Envy? Hatred? Or do they claim a matter of honour? Or do they lurk in the shadow of wealth? Or do they hide their own decisions behind the supposed will of god? And if they do achieve their goals, will they stop there? Or will they feel deprived of pleasure and find another excuse to continue their persecution?


This gentleman acknowledges the Christian offer of free will. Provided, of course, they recognise that he does indeed have that right to choose even when that choice disagrees with their sensibilities. That is respectful, is it not? In any event, it doesn't matter, because the laws of England guarantee freedom of choice. It guarantees freedom from the imposition of someone elses will by force, or the physical harm inflicted to achieve it. They have no excuse. None at all.


Don't say he didn't warn you.


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